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Search result based on key: European Union

Financial Regulatory Update: May 2024

Our Financial Regulatory Update for May 2024 is now available. With these updates, KPMG Law aims to flag relevant regulatory developments per sector.

26 Jun 2024

Financial Regulatory Update: April 2024

Our Financial Regulatory Update for April 2024 is now available. With these updates, KPMG Law aims to flag relevant regulatory developments per sector.

30 May 2024

Financial Regulatory Update: March 2024

Our Financial Regulatory Update for March 2024 is now available. With these updates, KPMG Law aims to flag relevant regulatory developments per sector.

29 Apr 2024

Financial Regulatory Update: February 2024

Our Financial Regulatory Update for February 2024 is now available. With these updates, KPMG Law aims to flag relevant regulatory developments per sector.

26 Mar 2024

Financial Regulatory Update: January 2024

Our Financial Regulatory Update for January 2024 is now available. With these updates, KPMG Law aims to flag relevant regulatory developments per sector.

05 Mar 2024

Overheidsopdrachten in de EU: minder mededinging in de periode 2011-2021

Het Special Report van de Europese Rekenkamer onthult de trends en uitdagingen omtrent overheidsopdrachten in de EU tussen 2011 en 2021. Het rapport belicht een afname in concurrentie bij aanbestedingen en analyseert de impact van de Richtlijnen van 2014. Het benadrukt onder andere een toename van directe gunningen en enkele inschrijvingen, evenals een beperkt aantal grensoverschrijdende opdrachten. De hervormingen van 2014 blijken weinig effectief, met aanbevelingen voor verbetering van transparantie en concurrentie. Dit roept vragen op over toekomstige beleidsmaatregelen in overheidsopdrachten.

08 Feb 2024

Financial Regulatory Update: November - December 2023

Our Financial Regulatory Update for November and December 2023 is now available. With these updates, KPMG Law aims to flag relevant regulatory developments per sector.

26 Jan 2024

Financial Regulatory Update: October 2023

Our Financial Regulatory Update for October 2023 is now available. With these updates, KPMG Law aims to flag relevant regulatory developments per sector.

27 Nov 2023

Financial Regulatory Update: September 2023

Our Financial Regulatory Update for September 2023 is now available. With these updates, KPMG Law aims to flag relevant regulatory developments per sector.

23 Oct 2023

Financial Regulatory Update: August 2023

Our Financial Regulatory Update for August 2023 is now available. With these updates, KPMG Law aims to flag relevant regulatory developments per sector.

22 Sep 2023

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