Het Hof van Justitie verduidelijkt dat het recht op inzage niet enkel de categorieën van ontvangers betreft, maar ook de specifieke ontvangers zelf indien de betrokkene hierom verzoekt.
Intellectual Property
Is football leaving a (trade)mark on IP?
With the 2022 World Cup moving towards its final stages, it’s time to take a moment to reflect on the extent to which football and IP are intertwined.
“Goodbye” to your word mark
The Benelux Court of Justice ruled on 13 May 2022 that the (word) mark "GOODBYE ” followed by a color was purely descriptive.
Proof of originality in copyright protection
The Court of Appeal of Ghent ruled on a case concerning an alleged infringement of an artist's copyright by a furniture manufacturer and distributor.
TM registration of packaging: obligation to register reaffirmed
The Court of Appeal of Ghent ruled on a case concerning allegedly confusing and parasitic copy of packaging.
Fine for mass processing of social media data in connection with the Benalla affair for political profiling
DPA fine for mass processing of social media data in connection with the Benalla affair for political profiling.