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KPMG Law expands its footprint with new Ghent office location

The new office is a milestone in enhancing client services and strengthening regional presence.

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Financial Regulatory Update: July 2023

Our Financial Regulatory Update for July 2023 is now available. With these updates, KPMG Law aims to flag relevant regulatory developments per sector.

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Digitalization of the notary profession

Since 1 August 2021, it has been possible to establish a corporation (or any other legal entity) completely digitally and remotely. A notary's intervention is still required, but all parties can simply proceed via videoconference.

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Financial Regulatory Update: June 2023

Our Financial Regulatory Update for June 2023 is now available. With these updates, KPMG Law aims to flag relevant regulatory developments per sector.

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Financial Regulatory Update: May 2023

Our Financial Regulatory Update for May 2023 is now available. With these updates, KPMG Law aims to flag relevant regulatory developments per sector.

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Foreign direct investment screening (FDIS) in Belgium as from 1 July 2023

Foreign Direct Investment Screening (FDIS) in Belgium becomes effective on July 1, 2023. This regime requires non-EU investors to notify and obtain clearance for certain investments in Belgian companies involved in targeted activities.

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